Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Jury Duty and Star Wars DVD's

Adam had jury duty on Monday and was picked to be on a jury. Tuesday they settled on the case. He took his $12.00, got on the train and is thankful that he doesn't have to do this service again for another two years.

In celebration of this we went to Fratilli's in Irving for dinner. After that we went to Fry's to get the Star Wars Trilogy on DVD for $36.99 (cheapest that I have found it).

Went home to watch the DVD's. Watched all the special stuff on disc 4 which was pretty good. Then we scanned the movies to see what Uncle George has done with them again. More tweaks and changes because he is not happy with the films...his baby he can do what ever he wants.

But to our amazement he did something that our jaws dropped and we said "HUH??? What did he say!!!!"

The Empire Strikes Back. One of the best in all of them. We get to the part where the emperor needs to talk to Vader and they move out of the asteroid field to get a clear signal. This is the first time we actually see the Emperor (back in 1980). Well Uncle George decides that he wants the person who plays the Emporer now (Ian Dirmid) to do the part so he puts him in. This was fine with us....UNTIL HE SPOKE. They changed the lines. Before this change it gives us the indication that Vader already knows who Luke is. Now the Emporer (who looks like a muppet in Adam's opinion) says the following:

"There is a great disturbance in the force"
"I have felt it" Vader
"We have a new enemy. The young rebel who destroyed the Death Star. I have no doubt this boy is the offspring of Anakin Skywalker" Emperor


"How is that possible" Vader
"Search your feelings Lord Vader you will know it to be true. He could destroy us" Emperor

Then it has the regular dialog.

We hate this change....A LOT. Lucas wants everyone to watch the movies in 1-6 order not 3-4-5, 1-2-3. So this takes all the surprise that we all had in 1980 of the famous words "I AM YOUR FATHER!"

Except for that change we do like the DVDs.

I will now get off my soapbox....for now.

B and the fuzzballs

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