Thursday, February 14, 2008

It's HERE!!!! (Updated)

Found this....

I'm still geeking out about this! I know it's pregnancy hormones but when I saw the clip starting at 47 seconds I started crying. I've waited a LONG time for this!!!

Oh and by the way I need a babysitter on Thursday May 22 in the morning. I'm going to see the movie.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Movie Trailer on Good Morning America 2/14 between 8-9 central time!!!!!

Oh I cannot wait!!!!!!!!

Unless I go into labor...I will be in line to go to the first showing of the day (NOT THE MIDNIGHT SHOWING)

I already warned Adam that if I do go into labor the kid will be nicked named "Indiana"

Thursday, February 07, 2008


It's a girl...with BIG FEET