Thursday, June 29, 2006

Superman Returns

On the spur of the moment we called up Grandma (Barbara) and went to see Superman Returns lastnight. All I have to say is this... GO SEE THIS MOVIE!!!! After the first five minutes I said "WOW" and the story did not really begin yet. Like Batman Begins, Superman Returns deals with the relationships of the characters and not centering on the bad guys (like Batman Returns). This movie takes place five years after the Superman 2 movie. They are not counting Superman 3 or 4 (which is good because they were not at all good). I do expect an announcement of another Superman movie coming up and being released in the next couple of years.

One thing that I was very happy about was after the listing of the cast credits there is a dedication "This film is dedicated in loving memory of Christoper and Dana Reeve"

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Work with Pop

Originally uploaded by FlipSide3.

Katie decided to take over for her Dad today. Being a web designer can't be that hard. Just sit back, relax, and take a little well deserved nap... right?

Sunday, June 18, 2006


B, Adam, Katie Ellen and puds

Saturday, June 10, 2006

New Blog for Katie Ellen

Bridget can't help but make new blogs for new occasions. Here's the brand spanking new Katie Blog!

Thursday, June 08, 2006


Originally uploaded by FlipSide3.

Now I'm going to have to buy a new HawaiiUP shirt, since Katie's feet prints are on this one. Her Mom has forbidden me to wash it. Guess I'll have to frame it or something. Pity, I really like that shirt.


Originally uploaded by FlipSide3.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Katie Ellen Eakins

Originally uploaded by FlipSide3.

Here she is! Everybody say hi to Katie Ellen Eakins! She was born at 7:12 p.m. and weighed 8 pounds 2 ounces, 20.5 inches long. More pictures to come.

Sorry the posting to the website didn't go as well as planned, but if you click the picture above you can get to more pictures on our flickr account! You can also click the Baby Stuff link on the right column too!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Originally uploaded by FlipSide3.

Grandpa and Katie


Originally uploaded by FlipSide3.

Sis with niece.


Originally uploaded by FlipSide3.

Baby warmer is being primed. She's jumped from 3cm to nearly 10. Baby will be here soon.


Originally uploaded by FlipSide3.

Nap time. Epidural is in and all that entails. She's feeling a little better now. It was a bit rough there for a while. We've made it through the original trilogy, and are almost finished with the first prequel.


Originally uploaded by FlipSide3.

Grandpa is playing the waiting game.

Monday, June 05, 2006


After I got all the phone calls, text pages, e-mails and postings I checked our machine and found a message. Had to listen to it about 4 times before it sunk in. It was Labor and Delivery at Harris HEB. They told me that they DID have ROOM for me to be induced TOMORROW! So we have to be there at 7am and we will have a baby sometime tomorrow.

Adam told me that if the kid is a little terror that he is blaming me.

False Alarm

Okay so I went and she checked it out and didn't think that it broke. She did a sono on me and saw that there was plently of water. My bladder got too excited seeing the toliet and I really had to pee. :(

So this is what is going on now. I am on the WAITING LIST to be induced tomorrow. If someone has their baby today then I will be induced tomorrow. IF NOT then I am on the list for next Tuesday June 13 (IF she has not arrived yet).

So that's the news for now.

Is today the day????

Things have been happening in the past 12 hours that make me believe that today is the day. Grandma (Barbara) Eakins is will be here at 8:30 to pick me up to see if we can see the Doctor a couple of minutes early. Check Postcards from the pregnancy or here for updates.

Bridget, Adam, Baby Katie Ellen and Puds

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Today is the Day!!

Still pregnant.

Going back to the Dr tomorrow if I don't go into labor.

Will have an update on this site then. For other updates see "Postcards from the pregnancy"

Friday, June 02, 2006


Originally uploaded by FlipSide3.

The universe has turned upside down if these two are playing nice.