Saturday, January 01, 2005

Happy New Year 2005!

This promises to be an interesting year. My sister gets married in about a week, and we're having our "big" wedding party come May. Can't wait for the honeymoon (Disney World if we're lucky).

Had a fun night of playing 90's Trivial Pursuit at my sister's new house in Fort Worth. One of the answers was actually It helped that there was an entire category on technology.

Also I just started using a tool that runs on the background on my computer. It is a project called World Community Grid. It is a project aided by IBM that takes the extra computer power that's normally just sitting idle and uses it to solve big science problems.

My computer JUST finished processing its first bit of the problem and is sending back its result now! So my first action of the year is to help solve some scientific puzzle. Warm fuzzies for all!!!

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