Monday, October 03, 2005


Went to the movies last Saturday and saw Joss Whedon's Serenity. As a fan of the original Firefly series, there is no way I couldn't like this movie. The thing is, this is a great film just on its own merits. Even those not into scifi flicks can probably find something of value in Serenity.

Anyway this isn't nearly as exciting as the BABY announcement, but I feel I should do my part in spreading the good word about Serenity. So check out the trailer, see what other people are saying, and go see the flick. You won't be disappointed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR LITTLE BEAN!! Sorry, this comment has NOTHING to do with your most recent post, but I'm slow...what can I say? :) Haven't been at church the past couple weeks, because we are now a happy, married couple too. We do not however plan on breaking your baby making record. Sorry! You win! Kyle will still not be at church this Sunday (Kung Fu fighting), but I should be. See you then! Oh and Bridget, hopefully someday we will get to see you again too! Hope you are feeling ok. If you guys need anything, let me know!