So...First day of school start off....
I wake up at 7:18AM...Because my phone alarm doesn't go off at 7AM because it's set for 7PM. Great.
Katie is up, eats, gets dressed.
I get lunches ready.
It is raining!
Adam goes to work.
I get Randal up, dressed and fed.
I remember I have to clean out the van... I clean out one side and go to the other side.
Won't let me in.
Realize that the van inside lights are on...
Call up Rick who says "I'll take them don't worry"
Randal is running all over the place.
Get a hold of his "bak-pak!" and brings it into his sisters room and takes EVERYTHING out. There he is holding his diapers and saying "ath-oom Mommy!"
I get the "bak-pak" and put everything in. toss it in the kitchen and put the gate up.
I try the car again (because I can't believe I was that STUPID to leave the lights in the car on!) and then go to the door where my son LOCKS the door! I have my keys (THANK GOD) and open the door.
I ask Katie to find her brother. He is in the "ath-oom" sitting on the tiny "possessed" potty (it makes music when you actually do something) saying "ath-oom Mommy!" get him out of the bathroom, put him in the living room put the gate up in the hallway.
I call up Adam and leave a message.
Rick comes over, get the kids in the car drive to the preschool. Just about at the preschool when I hear my phone go off...I know it's my brother because the ring tone is Katie saying "Mommy! Uncle Bill is on the phone!" I tell him to call in an hour. Phone rings when I get off with him and it's the dentist reminding me that I have an appointment tomorrow at 9:15.
Go to Starbucks (since I have a dentist appointment tomorrow and I was planning on doing this if the VAN WORKED) then go to the house and get the van out of the garage. Get the jumper cables, get the car jumped, thank Rick again, and drive around.
Come home and turn on the radio. Doesn't work. Going to put the van in the shop on Thursday (needs an oil change anyways) and see if they can work on that (and the check engine light that has been on)
Call up my brother (who I find is also having a crappy day) and talk to him for over an hour...I really needed the laugh.
So in answer to everyone's question NO I didn't cry...not because I was was because I had stuff going on I didn't have time to cry...
But tomorrow is a different story.
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