So here is what is going on with us.
November we had Bubba Randal's 5 month pictures.
Isn't he CUTE!!!!
Six month pictures and Christmas family pictures are going to be next week.
Deb/Flo the peacock (or peahen)is still around. Pecking at our back door and driving us nuts.
I'm not the only one who gives Adam the "Keenan" look....
We went to the mall one Saturday and Katie found this hat.
I'm still loom knitting hats. I think Bubba is getting sick of being my model BUT he got a lot of "Oh look at him" and "Oh how cute" so I think he's okay.
Adam's character on Guild Wars got a picture with a frog. I'm sorry I don't know more of the details except for it was around 2:30 early Halloween morning and he was up celebrating "The Great Pumpkin Head" or what ever the heck it is for the weekend on Guild Wars. (I'm sure I will be corrected by Adam on what it is.)
One day I found Connor doing this....
Satine is doing well...Still Queen of the house. Still beats up on Connor letting him know that after almost SIX YEARS of being a part of our family he is STILL a guest and has every right to beat up on him every other day.
I'm doing fine. Busy. No we don't have the tree up. Yes we will have one up....sometime.
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