I will admit I'm not up to speed with the new music of today. I guess I'm getting old and I don't want to hear someone screaming at me, how to get back at someone who cheats, or how some guy should be with me and not their girlfriend. So I listen to an oldies station. It's also one of the few things that "The Spud" and I can agree on when we are in the car (besides "The Lion Sleeps Tonight").
There are few songs that I can say where the lyrics made me stop and say "Whoa. That was cool!"
Dan Fogelberg did that with "Same auld lang syne" A true story about him running into his ex-girlfriend at a store Christmas Eve. They play the song a lot on New Years Eve.
Even with my ADD and Pregger brain I still remember where I was when I first heard that song. It was November 1981 and I was reading "the splinter of the minds eye" (one of the first Star Wars books) and this song came on. I was living in Liverpool, New York. The song stuck with me all these years.
In 2004 he announced that he was diagnosed with advanced prostrate cancer.
Monday morning at 7:00 our alarm went off and Jodi Dean was playing one of Dan's songs. I knew that something happened. I turned on Good Morning America and the ticker at the bottom said it all. Dan Fogelberg died Sunday morning at the age of 56.
On the way home from taking Katie to Mom's Day out Monday morning Jodi signed off saying "Thank you Dan" playing "Same Auld Lang Syne" I blasted it in my car and cried. Yeah I'm old...and I really don't care.
Thank you for the music Dan you will be missed.
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