A post about the cats and not about the child!!!
Okay so we finally took the cats to the vet today. They were supposed to go back in June 2006 but I was a little busy.
They have both gained a pound.
Connor is now waiting to have surgery today to have a mass taken off of his foot. I had a feeling that surgery was going to be involved when the Dr said "I've never seen anything like that before". It was either take him home now and have it done tomorrow (which meant a night of not eating for Connor and in our faces all night long) or do it today. Adam will be picking him up today after work.
Satine is now freaking out because she had to go to the vet, got a shot, got her tush gland deplugged and now is home without Connor.
So positive vibes for Connor. We should know on Thursday what this thing on his foot is.
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