Wednesday, May 18, 2005

5 hours and 20 minutes....

We are going to the theater soon. First I wanted to be there at 6 but as we got home ate dinner and I finally got to check my e-mail I realized that we don't have to be there that soon....Also I'm getting too old for this.

I will have my review either when we get home (and I'm too excited to sleep) or when I get home from work before I fall asleep. Yes I AM going to work. I really don't think LaTessa would let me have a day off for Star Wars especially when I am taking 2 weeks off starting at 4:31 on Friday.

28 years ago we saw Star Wars at a drive-in and it opened, influenced and brought in a whole new world to our family...and at 12:01am the circle will be complete.
(Getting too sappy I know)

For a really great blog go to Darth Vader's blog

Separate reviews soon from Adam and I

the Star Wars Geeks and the puds

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