No that is not Connor but I could picture him doing this...While Satine is letting her boyfriend from across the street over.
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Happy New Year!!!!
We are going to two parties tonight. Yes we are that popular...or it just could be the alien child that I am carring. If you go out please be careful. Don't drink and drive and if you do drink (FUTURE MOM LECTURE)call a cab, take a bus, walk or call US we'll get you...after we let you sober up where ever you are for a couple of hours :) The puds will be at home having a party of their own.

No that is not Connor but I could picture him doing this...While Satine is letting her boyfriend from across the street over.
No that is not Connor but I could picture him doing this...While Satine is letting her boyfriend from across the street over.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Friday, December 16, 2005
The High School where I went is going to State Championships. They were number one in the nation last year for football.
From site
Dragons to Play Katy At Noon on Saturday
The Carroll Dragons will defend their 5A State Championship title against Katy at Texas Stadium in Irving on Saturday. The game will begin at noon. Carroll is the home team and will sit on the usual side; Dragon fans should enter gate 3.
All tickets at the gate will be $10. Parking will open at 9 a.m.; gates open at 10 a.m.
The game will be broadcast as usual on KKGM 1630 AM and will also be televised on FOX Southwest. Metro Sports Communications will air the state championship beginning at 11 a.m. central standard time. In addition to airing on the flagship home of Carroll football (KKGM 1630-AM), the game will also be carried nationally on Sirius Satellite Radio (Channel 131).
Carroll fans inside Texas Stadium may listen to the broadcast on the special “Road Radio” feed, on 88.9 FM. Saturday's game can be heard worldwide on KKGM's website – .
I will not be going to the game. We already have plans (which I would of rescheduled) and since it is on TV we can sit at home (where it is warm) and watch. Adam will probably read Harry Potter or work in the computer room. | 12/15/2005 | Eight area libraries get Verizon grants
Our local library just got some money from Verizon. Thought it was worth a mention.
Friday, December 09, 2005
My High School Art Teacher, In the News
My high school art teacher, Janie Cavender (Sanders back then), got herself into the newspaper. Looks like she's still busy making murals and such. I enjoy popping over to her website and looking at pictures she used to have hanging on the classroom walls.
Her classes were some of the best experiences I had during high school. I remember disagreeing with some of her advice on my projects, but she was right. I wish I had the time and resources to work on more art projects like I did back then.
Her classes were some of the best experiences I had during high school. I remember disagreeing with some of her advice on my projects, but she was right. I wish I had the time and resources to work on more art projects like I did back then.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Jody Dean KLUV
I listen to KLUV at work (because they play alot of Beatles) and I listen to Jody Dean the morning guy. Before he signs off he always does some type of joke or something that he gets from listeners. I've seen this one before. This morning when he was reading it I had a vision that this could be me someday...
Mom's Brownie Recipe
Remove teddy bear from oven and preheat oven to 375.
Melt 1 cup margarine in saucepan.
Remove teddy bear from oven and tell Jr. "No, No."
Add margarine to 2 cups sugar. Take shortening can away from Jr. and clean cupboards.
Measure 1/3 cup cocoa.
Take shortening can away from Jr. again and bathe cat. (Adam and I believe that this would be Connor)
Apply antiseptic and bandages to scratches sustained while removing shortening from cat's tail.
Assemble 4 eggs, 2 tsp. vanilla and 1½ cups sifted flour.
Take smoldering teddy bear from oven and open all doors and windows for ventilation.
Take telephone away from Billy and assure party on the line the call was a mistake. Call operator and attempt to have direct dialed call removed from bill.
Measure 1 tsp. salt, ½ cup nuts and beat all ingredients well.
Let cat out of refrigerator. (Adam and I believe that this would be Satine...since she is an Ice Queen)
Pour mixture into well-greased 9x13-inch pan.
Bake 25 minutes.
Rescue cat and take razor away from Billy. Explain to kids that you have no idea if shaved cats will sunburn. Throw cat outside while there's still time and he's still able to run away.
Mix the following in saucepan:
1 cup sugar
1 oz. unsweetened chocolate
¼ cup margarine
Take the darn teddy bear out of the @#$% broiler and throw it away. far away.
Answer the door and meekly explain to nice policeman that you didn't know Jr. had slipped out of the house and was heading for the street. Put Jr. in playpen.
Add 1/3 cup milk, dash of salt and boil, stirring constantly for 2 minutes.
Answer door and apologize to neighbor for Billy having stuck a garden hose in man's front door mail slot. Promise to pay for ruined carpet.
Tie Billy to clothesline.
Remove burned brownies from oven.
Mom's Brownie Recipe
Remove teddy bear from oven and preheat oven to 375.
Melt 1 cup margarine in saucepan.
Remove teddy bear from oven and tell Jr. "No, No."
Add margarine to 2 cups sugar. Take shortening can away from Jr. and clean cupboards.
Measure 1/3 cup cocoa.
Take shortening can away from Jr. again and bathe cat. (Adam and I believe that this would be Connor)
Apply antiseptic and bandages to scratches sustained while removing shortening from cat's tail.
Assemble 4 eggs, 2 tsp. vanilla and 1½ cups sifted flour.
Take smoldering teddy bear from oven and open all doors and windows for ventilation.
Take telephone away from Billy and assure party on the line the call was a mistake. Call operator and attempt to have direct dialed call removed from bill.
Measure 1 tsp. salt, ½ cup nuts and beat all ingredients well.
Let cat out of refrigerator. (Adam and I believe that this would be Satine...since she is an Ice Queen)
Pour mixture into well-greased 9x13-inch pan.
Bake 25 minutes.
Rescue cat and take razor away from Billy. Explain to kids that you have no idea if shaved cats will sunburn. Throw cat outside while there's still time and he's still able to run away.
Mix the following in saucepan:
1 cup sugar
1 oz. unsweetened chocolate
¼ cup margarine
Take the darn teddy bear out of the @#$% broiler and throw it away. far away.
Answer the door and meekly explain to nice policeman that you didn't know Jr. had slipped out of the house and was heading for the street. Put Jr. in playpen.
Add 1/3 cup milk, dash of salt and boil, stirring constantly for 2 minutes.
Answer door and apologize to neighbor for Billy having stuck a garden hose in man's front door mail slot. Promise to pay for ruined carpet.
Tie Billy to clothesline.
Remove burned brownies from oven.
Monday, November 28, 2005
Thanksgiving and Sinus Infections
As you can see not much is going on since most of this is about a cold....We live very sad and boring lives...
Thanksgiving morning I woke up with a sore throat. Got worse as the day went on. Friday it was feeling better but I was blowing my nose. Decided that I could wait it out until Tuesday when I go see Dr Prentice for my (now) monthly baby appointment. Saturday morning I wake up at not being able to move. Because I have puds on both sides of my legs using them as pillows sleeping soundly (You know it is bad when Satine is on the bed most of the night. She knows when I am not feeling well). I got up and decided that I could not wait until Tuesday because I could feel the (now) sinus infection move to my chest. It was now turning into what my friend Wendy calls "The Plague". UHG! I've had this before. Last time was 4 days before I was getting married and not only was it a sinus it was also throat and ear infection (full blown plague). Words that saved me from that was telling the Dr. "I'm getting married on Friday and flying to Disney World on Saturday I need to get well now!" a shot in the 'hip' and anti-biotic did the trick.
But since I am 13 weeks preggers (that far along? wow!) Adam and I were at our Dr.'s clinic at Saturday morning to get drugs. I feel much better now. (breathing does help). Shopping with Teresa to get pregger clothes had to be postponed until this Weds.
Other than that we basically did nothing. Cleaned the house. Watched "That 70's Show" Season 3 DVD and played computer games. It was nice having 4 days off.
Appointment with Dr. Prentice is Tuesday at 2pm. I will post about the appointment on the baby's site when I get home.
Thanksgiving morning I woke up with a sore throat. Got worse as the day went on. Friday it was feeling better but I was blowing my nose. Decided that I could wait it out until Tuesday when I go see Dr Prentice for my (now) monthly baby appointment. Saturday morning I wake up at not being able to move. Because I have puds on both sides of my legs using them as pillows sleeping soundly (You know it is bad when Satine is on the bed most of the night. She knows when I am not feeling well). I got up and decided that I could not wait until Tuesday because I could feel the (now) sinus infection move to my chest. It was now turning into what my friend Wendy calls "The Plague". UHG! I've had this before. Last time was 4 days before I was getting married and not only was it a sinus it was also throat and ear infection (full blown plague). Words that saved me from that was telling the Dr. "I'm getting married on Friday and flying to Disney World on Saturday I need to get well now!" a shot in the 'hip' and anti-biotic did the trick.
But since I am 13 weeks preggers (that far along? wow!) Adam and I were at our Dr.'s clinic at Saturday morning to get drugs. I feel much better now. (breathing does help). Shopping with Teresa to get pregger clothes had to be postponed until this Weds.
Other than that we basically did nothing. Cleaned the house. Watched "That 70's Show" Season 3 DVD and played computer games. It was nice having 4 days off.
Appointment with Dr. Prentice is Tuesday at 2pm. I will post about the appointment on the baby's site when I get home.
Monday, November 21, 2005
Glenn Mitchell Died
Glenn Mitchell was the host of a radio show on KERA that I listened to every time I got in the car during the lunch hour. He was an amazing interviewer. I'd come to take the show for granted and now that Glenn is no more I feel like a part of my life has just been torn. Carpe Diem.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Martha Stewart Thanksgiving (NOT!)
Thanksgiving is around the corner. I will not be cooking turkey this year. My contribution to the holiday is Honey Baked Ham (which we are having in less than an hour at Mom and Dad Eakins house and Pumpkin Cake on Thursday that we will bring to G&G Hodges, Second Momma Teresa's and (if there is any left) At Grandma and Paw Paw Eakins in Granbury on Friday.
But in years to come we may have Thanks Giving at our house and I see this happening.......
Martha Stewart will not be dining with us this Thanksgiving. I'm telling you in advance, so don't act surprised. Since Ms. Stewart won't be coming, I've made a few small changes:
1. Our sidewalk will not be lined with homemade, paper bag luminaries. After a trial run, it was decided that no matter how cleverly done, rows of flaming lunch sacks do not have the desired welcoming effect.
2. Once inside, our guests will note that the entry hall is not decorated with the swags of Indian corn and fall foliage I had planned to make. Instead, I've gotten the kids involved in the decorating by having them track in colorful autumn leaves from the front yard. The mud was their idea.
3. The dining table will not be covered with expensive linens, fancy china, or crystal goblets. If possible, we will use dishes that match and everyone will get a fork. Since this IS Thanksgiving, we will refrain from using the plastic Peter Rabbit plate and the Santa napkins from last Christmas.
4. Our centerpiece will not be the tower of fresh fruit and flowers that I promised. Instead we will be displaying a hedgehog-like decoration hand-crafted from the finest construction paper. The artist assures me it is a turkey.
5. We will be dining fashionably late. The children will entertain you while you wait. I'm sure they will be happy to share every choice comment I have made regarding Thanksgiving, pilgrims and the turkey hotline. Please remember that most of these comments were made at 5:00 a.m. upon discovering that the turkey was still hard enough to cut diamonds. As accompaniment to the children's recital, I will play a recording of tribal drumming. If the children should mention that I don't own a recording of tribal drumming, or that tribal drumming sounds suspiciously like a frozen turkey in a clothes dryer, ignore them. They are lying.
6. We toyed with the idea of ringing a dainty silver bell to announce the start of our feast. In the end, we chose to keep our traditional method. We've also decided against a formal seating arrangement. When the smoke alarm sounds, please gather around the table and sit where you like. In the spirit of harmony, we will ask the children to sit at a separate table ... in a separate room ... next door.
7. Now, I know you have all seen pictures of one person carving a turkey in front of a crowd of appreciative onlookers. This will not be happening at our dinner. For safety reasons, the turkey will be carved in a private ceremony. I stress "private" meaning: Do not, under any circumstances, enter the kitchen to laugh at me. Do not send small, unsuspecting children to check on my progress. I have an electric knife. The turkey is unarmed. It stands to reason that I will eventually win. When I do, we will eat.
8. I would like to take this opportunity to remind my young diners that "passing the rolls" is not a football play. Nor is it a request to bean your sister in the head with warm tasty bread.
9. Oh, and one reminder for the adults: For the duration of the meal, and especially while in the presence of you diners, we will refer to the giblet gravy by its lesser-known name: Cheese Sauce. If a young diner questions you regarding the origins or type of Cheese Sauce, plead ignorance. Cheese Sauce stains.
10. Before I forget, there is one last change. Instead of offering a choice among 12 different scrumptious desserts, we will be serving the traditional pumpkin pie, garnished with whipped cream and small fingerprints. You will still have a choice; take it or leave it.
Martha Stewart will not be dining with us this Thanksgiving. She probably won't come next year either. I am thankful.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Puppy Sitting, Demos, and an Alien Baby
In an attempt to avoid only posting my own advertisements, like my last post for aka Kintiko Web Design, I thought I'd finally post about what's going on these days. This will be about what I am up to as I'll leave the wife to post her own stories. Where to start...
Last weekend we stayed over at my parents house, who live a total of 2 miles away from our home. They were out of town watching a football game in Kansas because my brother-in-law's brother (got that?) is on the starting line-up. With the folks gone, someone had to watch the puppy dog.
Brady, the dog, wore me out. Dogs need too much attention in my opinion, and with my Dad gone I was seen as the best substitute for the attention giver to those little brown eyes. The dog survived, spending most of its time sitting at the end of the recliner while I read a book.
Which brings me to my next topic, Harry Potter. The movie version of Goblet of Fire comes out this week, so I thought I'd read the book again. I really doubt I'll be done by Friday, but since it has been decreed by my better half that we shall no longer see midnight movie openings, I'll probably just wait until next week.
Monday I checked the mail and found a demo disc for my PlayStation 2. It had lots of demos for many new games I'd like to have. Some were lots of fun, a few were exactly what I expected, and a couple were disappointing to the point that I don't want them.
Shadow of the Colossus was by far the one I most longed to play. After some work I managed to kill the big giant and was given a trailer preview of the rest of the game. It was very cool.
Soul Calibur 3 was as polished as ever and the series still sits in my top spot of best fighter games ever. The custom character creation engine was lots of fun. The actual battles were very frustrating though, but that's really pretty normal. I just hope that if I actually buy it that I can master at least one character so that I'm not dying constantly. I'd really rather not destroy any more video game controllers.
There were other games on the disc too. Ratchet: Deadlocked didn't look very fun, even though I've been a big fan of the first two in the series. Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks was pretty much an updated Double Dragon, and actually seemed kinda fun (maybe worth a rental). I'd buy Sly Cooper 3, but I haven't even played Sly 2 yet. Finally, I didn't even play JakX racing as I can't stand racing games (except for Burnout or Mario Cart). I'm currently trying to get through Jak3, but all the races are ruining what should be a great story based platformer.
Just a few final things. Bridget claims that our child is either an alien or leaning very heavily to the Eakins side of the genetic fence, because her belly is really starting to grow. I finally one the lotto... twice... $5 on two tickets. Go me! To conclude I'd like to mention that there is a Honey Baked Ham in the mail that we shall be eating next Sunday and I just can't wait!
Last weekend we stayed over at my parents house, who live a total of 2 miles away from our home. They were out of town watching a football game in Kansas because my brother-in-law's brother (got that?) is on the starting line-up. With the folks gone, someone had to watch the puppy dog.
Brady, the dog, wore me out. Dogs need too much attention in my opinion, and with my Dad gone I was seen as the best substitute for the attention giver to those little brown eyes. The dog survived, spending most of its time sitting at the end of the recliner while I read a book.
Which brings me to my next topic, Harry Potter. The movie version of Goblet of Fire comes out this week, so I thought I'd read the book again. I really doubt I'll be done by Friday, but since it has been decreed by my better half that we shall no longer see midnight movie openings, I'll probably just wait until next week.
Monday I checked the mail and found a demo disc for my PlayStation 2. It had lots of demos for many new games I'd like to have. Some were lots of fun, a few were exactly what I expected, and a couple were disappointing to the point that I don't want them.
Shadow of the Colossus was by far the one I most longed to play. After some work I managed to kill the big giant and was given a trailer preview of the rest of the game. It was very cool.
Soul Calibur 3 was as polished as ever and the series still sits in my top spot of best fighter games ever. The custom character creation engine was lots of fun. The actual battles were very frustrating though, but that's really pretty normal. I just hope that if I actually buy it that I can master at least one character so that I'm not dying constantly. I'd really rather not destroy any more video game controllers.
There were other games on the disc too. Ratchet: Deadlocked didn't look very fun, even though I've been a big fan of the first two in the series. Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks was pretty much an updated Double Dragon, and actually seemed kinda fun (maybe worth a rental). I'd buy Sly Cooper 3, but I haven't even played Sly 2 yet. Finally, I didn't even play JakX racing as I can't stand racing games (except for Burnout or Mario Cart). I'm currently trying to get through Jak3, but all the races are ruining what should be a great story based platformer.
Just a few final things. Bridget claims that our child is either an alien or leaning very heavily to the Eakins side of the genetic fence, because her belly is really starting to grow. I finally one the lotto... twice... $5 on two tickets. Go me! To conclude I'd like to mention that there is a Honey Baked Ham in the mail that we shall be eating next Sunday and I just can't wait!
I finally broke down and got my own web host. I got a free domain in the deal, so I'm proud to give you for all your small web project needs. I've got lots of space and fun server side scripting options. If anyone needs a web page made for them, pass along my name. If I have the time, I'm only asking to put a few Google AdSense ads on the pages.
I think that is a pretty good bargain.
I think that is a pretty good bargain.
Monday, November 07, 2005
Monday, October 31, 2005
Dr. visit
Everything looks great. Got a sono. Due June 4, 2006. More details on Postcards from the pregnancy...
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Teenagers are like Cats
These two have given us practice....
Neither teenagers nor cats turn their heads when you call them by name. (VERY TRUE)
No matter what you do for them, it is not enough. All humane efforts are barely adequate to compensate for the privilege of waiting on them hand and foot.
You rarely see a cat walking outside of the house with an adult human being, and it can be safely said that no teenager in his or her right mind wants to be seen I public with his or her parents.
Even if you tell jokes as well as Jay Leno, neither your cat nor your teen will ever crack a smile.
No cat or teenager shares your taste in music.
Cats and teenagers can lie on the living-room sofa for hours on end without moving.
Cats have nine lives. Teenagers carry on as if they did.
Cats and teenagers yawn in exactly the same manner, communicating a sense of complete and utter boredom. (I swear Satine has given me the cat verison of "Talk to the hand" to me)
Cats and teenagers do not improve anyone's furniture.
Cats that are free to roam outside sometimes have been known to return in the middle of the night to deposit a dead animal in your bedroom.
Thus, if you must raise teenagers, the best sources of advice are not other parents, but veterinarians.
Above all else, put out the food and do not make any sudden moves in their direction. When they make up their minds, they will finally come. It will be a triumphant moment for all concerned.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?
Here's the character I am, so who are you? Click the picture and find out!Who is Yoda?
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Geek Fest 2005
Hello my name is Bridget and I'm a Star Wars Geek
Here we are in line for Carrie Fisher

Got up to meet Carrie Fisher and she signed my Delusions of Grandma book. I bought a picture of her just incase she wouldn't sign the book and she saw it. I told her that I only paid for her 1 signature and she looked at the "offical" next to her and signed it anyway. THAT WAS SO COOL!!!

Another cool thing that I missed was Adam was going out of the bathroom and nearly ran over this guy

Kenny Baker AKA R2-D2!!!
Here we are in line for Carrie Fisher
Got up to meet Carrie Fisher and she signed my Delusions of Grandma book. I bought a picture of her just incase she wouldn't sign the book and she saw it. I told her that I only paid for her 1 signature and she looked at the "offical" next to her and signed it anyway. THAT WAS SO COOL!!!
Another cool thing that I missed was Adam was going out of the bathroom and nearly ran over this guy
Kenny Baker AKA R2-D2!!!
Saturday, October 15, 2005
One more day!!!
Dallas ComicCon is this weekend!!! One more day until I meet her!!! *Dance of Joy!*

One more day until Adam will (hopefully) not have to say "I'm sorry Ms. Fisher...My wife is a huge fan...she's pregnant and harmless I promise"
Nothing is really over, it's just over there... From the book "Postcards from the Edge" by Carrie Fisher
One more day until Adam will (hopefully) not have to say "I'm sorry Ms. Fisher...My wife is a huge fan...she's pregnant and harmless I promise"
Nothing is really over, it's just over there... From the book "Postcards from the Edge" by Carrie Fisher
Monday, October 03, 2005
Went to the movies last Saturday and saw Joss Whedon's Serenity. As a fan of the original Firefly series, there is no way I couldn't like this movie. The thing is, this is a great film just on its own merits. Even those not into scifi flicks can probably find something of value in Serenity.
Anyway this isn't nearly as exciting as the BABY announcement, but I feel I should do my part in spreading the good word about Serenity. So check out the trailer, see what other people are saying, and go see the flick. You won't be disappointed.
Anyway this isn't nearly as exciting as the BABY announcement, but I feel I should do my part in spreading the good word about Serenity. So check out the trailer, see what other people are saying, and go see the flick. You won't be disappointed.
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream test
My favorate ice cream!
You scored 88% SWEET, 81% CHUNKY, and 74% UNIQUE!
chocolate ice Cream with fudge brownies
Very sweet, very wild, and very fun! People flock to this ice cream flavor, just as they flock to you. You love being surrounded by friends and getting crazy together! You could probably stand to calm down a little, but the kind of freedom you feel is inspiring. You really care about the people in your life and party hard, but are open to new ideas and experiences.

Ben and Jerry's test

Miss Rita is coming to Texas. We will most likely get her unruly children (thunder storms and maybe tornados) as she comes inland. We are expected to get that on Saturday. It's good because we do need the rain (the yard REALLY needs it) but I wish it wasn't coming.
We weren't planning anything big on Saturday anyways. I was going to the mall but I don't think I will go. Instead I'll probably work on my macrame in the living room while watching "Lost" episodes or Star Wars movies. Adam will work on his homework for school. Satine will watch the thunder and lightning from the sunroom on the blue chair happy as a clam and Connor will try and find a cabinet to hide in so the rain won't get him (he's my "bad weather vane")
Going to the store tomorrow (because we really need to) and will charge up the phones.
Ah...Texas weather!

WARING!! Lost season 2 starts Wednesday September 21 at 8PM CENTRAL TIME! We WILL NOT be answering the phones during this show! If you need to get a hold of us leave us a voice mail and we will call after the episode (and us saying "Huh?!?" because JJ put another twist in the story.) Also remember that we have DishNetwork with DVR and we have gone back to see what has happened (or said) before the twist in the story that JJ likes to put in that makes us say "Darn you JJ!!"

I've been waiting for this for about 2 months now. I pre-ordered it on EB Games over at Grapevine Mills planning on having dinner at Corner Bakery (where we had our first meeting after 4 years) so we go to EB Games and I found out that they do not have it. "We won't have it until tomorrow"
Target "No we'll have it soon"
Best Buy not even a spot for it.
EB Games in Southlake "It will be in tomorrow before 10 AM."
So now we have to go back tomorrow to get the freaking game.
Why have a the date that says it will be released up and NOT have the game???!!!?!?!?

Please do us a big favor....
Jay Thompson is doing a documentary about the 501st called "Heart of an Empire" The life and times of the fighting 501st. I have mentioned this group before about Katie and the stormtrooper who "guarded" our wedding. He has been working on this for a couple of years. He's now putting Star Wars and Star Trek stuff on ebay so he can pay for production cost. For a list of what he is selling please go to:
for the Ebay auctions
Every little bit helps.

Cassini got its closest view of Saturn's moon Mimas on Tuesday, the one that looks like the Death Star.
--Why do I have this feeling that one day a collective of future Star Wars fans will build a replica of the Death Star here... complete with a trench for X-Wings to fly down. Maybe Disney will do it as an upgrade to Star Tours!
read more | digg story

This is my favorate picture of Adam and Connor. If you look really
close you can see Connor smile.
Over the past few days Connor and Adam have been having a love hate relationship. Connor adores Adam. Adam does love Connor but also loves to hate him. I know when he is mad at him because he threatens to shave the cat.
Then I found this picture of this poor cat getting back from the vet after getting a "line" cut. Problem was the owner of this poor thing has a very heavy southern accent so...well just look at the pictures.

Adam saw this, laughed, and said "Lets do that to Connor!!"
Yeah we thought he was bad before when he got mad at us...I really don't want to see what he would do if he did that to him.
I do know that Satine would laugh.

When I first saw the ad for "Dancing with the Stars" I said "EH?" The "series" was 6 weeks long. I missed the first episode and was able to watch the rest of the series. The one couple who really made me watch was John and Charlotte. They were "the one's to beat" Well tonight they did great...until
Some soap opera tart decided to shake her tush and she got 10's!!! HELLO? What the heck is going on here? Even Adam was saying "EH?"
Can we say FIX???
For the first time in the shows history (okay it's been 6 weeks) one couple gets all 10's. Why now? No one even started to get 9's until about a week or so ago. John and Charlotte had more talent than these two ever had. Also why say "who says Americia doesn't like an UNDERDOG" Hello?
Fix fix fix
You scored 88% SWEET, 81% CHUNKY, and 74% UNIQUE!
Very sweet, very wild, and very fun! People flock to this ice cream flavor, just as they flock to you. You love being surrounded by friends and getting crazy together! You could probably stand to calm down a little, but the kind of freedom you feel is inspiring. You really care about the people in your life and party hard, but are open to new ideas and experiences.
Ben and Jerry's test
New Blog
I have an announcement...
I'm PREGGERS!!!! *Dance of Joy* We found out Weds (9/28) and offically at the Dr on Thursday (9/29). I know that I am in the early stages of preggers and the baby is due May/June. We will know more on Friday when I have my first offical appointment with the Dr.
I have a new blog that I will be posting about Dr.'s visits, sleepless nights (like lastnight), and cravings (this kid is CONSTANTLY hungry!!) It's called Postcards from the Pregnancy.
Postcards from the Pregnancy
I'm PREGGERS!!!! *Dance of Joy* We found out Weds (9/28) and offically at the Dr on Thursday (9/29). I know that I am in the early stages of preggers and the baby is due May/June. We will know more on Friday when I have my first offical appointment with the Dr.
I have a new blog that I will be posting about Dr.'s visits, sleepless nights (like lastnight), and cravings (this kid is CONSTANTLY hungry!!) It's called Postcards from the Pregnancy.
Postcards from the Pregnancy
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Rita Part 2
We're okay. Rita went into East Texas. Got a few sprinkles (like 5) and for the rest of the week it's supposed to be sunny.
We went to the mall. Adam's Dad's Birthday was yesterday. I surfed the net. Didn't do any Macrome. Played Star Wars Battle Front and that's about it.
We went to the mall. Adam's Dad's Birthday was yesterday. I surfed the net. Didn't do any Macrome. Played Star Wars Battle Front and that's about it.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Miss Rita is coming to Texas. We will most likely get her unruly children (thunder storms and maybe tornados) as she comes inland. We are expected to get that on Saturday. It's good because we do need the rain (the yard REALLY needs it) but I wish it wasn't coming.
We weren't planning anything big on Saturday anyways. I was going to the mall but I don't think I will go. Instead I'll probably work on my macrame in the living room while watching "Lost" episodes or Star Wars movies. Adam will work on his homework for school. Satine will watch the thunder and lightning from the sunroom on the blue chair happy as a clam and Connor will try and find a cabinet to hide in so the rain won't get him (he's my "bad weather vane")
Going to the store tomorrow (because we really need to) and will charge up the phones.
Ah...Texas weather!
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
WARING!! Lost season 2 starts Wednesday September 21 at 8PM CENTRAL TIME! We WILL NOT be answering the phones during this show! If you need to get a hold of us leave us a voice mail and we will call after the episode (and us saying "Huh?!?" because JJ put another twist in the story.) Also remember that we have DishNetwork with DVR and we have gone back to see what has happened (or said) before the twist in the story that JJ likes to put in that makes us say "Darn you JJ!!"
Sunday, September 18, 2005
A New Band
Was surfing the web and found this new video. MTV2 has this show called "VideoMods" where they take video games and make the characters sing music from bands. They did one with the game "Revenge of the Sith" Singing a song from the group Franz Ferdinand singing their song "Take Me Out". Out of the group of 'videos' that they had it was one of the best.
Ladies and Gentalmen Introducing the band "CHOSEN ONE"

Mace Windo on Bass

Obi Wan Kenobi on Guitar

Yoda on Drums

and Anakin (the chosen one) Skywalker on vocals
an exciting new group with dancing Padmes and Stormtroopers rocking on.
Adam will fix this so the link will go straight to it (that's why I keep him around). I'm too lazy to figure it out. He's doing school work and I won't want to distract him.
Ladies and Gentalmen Introducing the band "CHOSEN ONE"
Mace Windo on Bass
Obi Wan Kenobi on Guitar
Yoda on Drums
and Anakin (the chosen one) Skywalker on vocals
an exciting new group with dancing Padmes and Stormtroopers rocking on.
Adam will fix this so the link will go straight to it (that's why I keep him around). I'm too lazy to figure it out. He's doing school work and I won't want to distract him.
Friday, September 16, 2005
Garrison Keillor's A Praire Home Companion
Stumbled across a post, from a blog called Memory Loss, that talked about Garrison Keillor and his radio show A Prairie Home Companion. The show is replayed on Sunday mornings here and I get out of church just in time to hear the "Well, it's been a quiet week in Lake Wobegon, my home town" part. I've had a fondness for this show for a long time, and I think it's because my folks used to listen to one of Keillor's books on tape during some of our longer road trips.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Sims2 Nightlife
I've been waiting for this for about 2 months now. I pre-ordered it on EB Games over at Grapevine Mills planning on having dinner at Corner Bakery (where we had our first meeting after 4 years) so we go to EB Games and I found out that they do not have it. "We won't have it until tomorrow"
Target "No we'll have it soon"
Best Buy not even a spot for it.
EB Games in Southlake "It will be in tomorrow before 10 AM."
So now we have to go back tomorrow to get the freaking game.
Why have a the date that says it will be released up and NOT have the game???!!!?!?!?
Stuff + Cats = Awesome
A friend from work heard about this on the radio. I just laughed and laughed. I bet we've got a picture or two that could be posted here.
From Digg:
Do you like to put stuff on your cat? See pictures of clothes, creatures, food, gadgets, housewares, nature, naughty stuff, and toys on random kittens!
read more | digg story
From Digg:
Do you like to put stuff on your cat? See pictures of clothes, creatures, food, gadgets, housewares, nature, naughty stuff, and toys on random kittens!
read more | digg story
Friday, September 02, 2005
Hurricane Katrina
Here I am posting again asking for help. It seems that is all I do right now on this blog asking the few people who read this blog to do positive vibes, prayers, or donate money for people.
We are getting a lot of people from hurricane Katrina. Some are staying in shelters, Reunion Arena or in homes of friends and relatives. If you live in the D/FW area KLUV is doing a "Labor of Love" for them tomorrow. Lastnight when I was at the Grapevine Wal-Mart and Grace was there taking food and clothing items and there is always the Red Cross
We are getting a lot of people from hurricane Katrina. Some are staying in shelters, Reunion Arena or in homes of friends and relatives. If you live in the D/FW area KLUV is doing a "Labor of Love" for them tomorrow. Lastnight when I was at the Grapevine Wal-Mart and Grace was there taking food and clothing items and there is always the Red Cross
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Cheap Domains @ Yahoo!
Yahoo! has a special on domain names going on right now. Just $2 a year, so you could lock in a domain name for 5 years for just $10. I just picked one up for my Dad (
There's free domain forwarding if you don't have a web host. It's a great way to make a memorable shortcut to your blog. For only $2 I think everyone should grab one.
There's free domain forwarding if you don't have a web host. It's a great way to make a memorable shortcut to your blog. For only $2 I think everyone should grab one.
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Help for Movie
Please do us a big favor....
Jay Thompson is doing a documentary about the 501st called "Heart of an Empire" The life and times of the fighting 501st. I have mentioned this group before about Katie and the stormtrooper who "guarded" our wedding. He has been working on this for a couple of years. He's now putting Star Wars and Star Trek stuff on ebay so he can pay for production cost. For a list of what he is selling please go to:
for the Ebay auctions
Every little bit helps.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Duck Hunt + Doom = Duck Doom - Shoot 'em down DOOM style
I've been playing Doom lately just for kicks, so I couldn't pass this up. Best version of Duck Hunt EVER!
From Digg:
Weird, stupid and pointless. I love it! Download the FULL GAME at this link.
"An overhaul upgrade to the original Duck Hunt, featuring new difficulty levels, graphics effects, remixed music & enhanced sound, the BFG-9000, and more!"
read more | digg story
From Digg:
Weird, stupid and pointless. I love it! Download the FULL GAME at this link.
"An overhaul upgrade to the original Duck Hunt, featuring new difficulty levels, graphics effects, remixed music & enhanced sound, the BFG-9000, and more!"
read more | digg story
California Call Hustle and Google Talk
Had a nice long chat with a friend since forever, Becky (she goes by Rebecca now, witness protection thing), while my meal congealed. She chided me for not putting more personal stories up on the paw. So here's the personal story of what I did last night...
Becky called because I sent her an invite for Google Talk a new instant messenger + voice chat program released yesterday. To paraphrase her, "I'm not going to talk to him through a computer, I'll just call him right now". That works for me. Also I had just downloaded Google Earth, and zoomed in from orbit to find where Becky's beaux is going to be working come next month. It was really cool, there's an aircraft carrier just next door in the satellite pics.
After that I watched Kung Fu Hustle. It's a Stephen Chow film, and as far as kung fu flicks go it is top rate. The fighting is over the top and CG enhanced. Very funny in parts, but still a pretty hard core fighting flick. I listened to the original Cantonese audio track with subtitles because the English track was rather annoying. If you like martial arts flicks, give this one a try for sure.
Bridget kept herself busy last night by watching Rescue Me, chatting on the phone with her co-worker Miss Velma (who just got back with her husband from Atlantic City), and surfing the net... also sending my periodic instant messages referencing monkey ninjas.
Becky called because I sent her an invite for Google Talk a new instant messenger + voice chat program released yesterday. To paraphrase her, "I'm not going to talk to him through a computer, I'll just call him right now". That works for me. Also I had just downloaded Google Earth, and zoomed in from orbit to find where Becky's beaux is going to be working come next month. It was really cool, there's an aircraft carrier just next door in the satellite pics.
After that I watched Kung Fu Hustle. It's a Stephen Chow film, and as far as kung fu flicks go it is top rate. The fighting is over the top and CG enhanced. Very funny in parts, but still a pretty hard core fighting flick. I listened to the original Cantonese audio track with subtitles because the English track was rather annoying. If you like martial arts flicks, give this one a try for sure.
Bridget kept herself busy last night by watching Rescue Me, chatting on the phone with her co-worker Miss Velma (who just got back with her husband from Atlantic City), and surfing the net... also sending my periodic instant messages referencing monkey ninjas.
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Death of the DVR
This post was postphoned on August 10th. We now have a new DVR
Our DVR died on Sunday. It was a senseless death. A tireless worker and highly valued member of the family, the Dish Player-DVR 510 stored many of our favorite TV moments.
Out of the blue our little DVR, who can store up to 100 hours of Dish Network Satellite TV, began making a horrible clicking noise. The TV still came on at that point, but when we checked on the recordings... to our horror everything was gone! That means the new season of Rescue Me and Over There were lost, as well as the AFI Tribute to George Lucas. Also my toons have vanished including Robot Chicken, FLCL, the Venture Bros, the complete 3 seasons of Star Wars: Clone Wars, and even Samurai Champloo.
This is devastating.
So, the next day I call Dish to explain the problem. By this point the DVR has gotten itself into an endless loop of attempting to connect to the satellite signal and then rebooting. Being that this was after normal working hours, the nice lady working the phone had to go through every possible thing even though it was quite obvious that the box was dead. I clicked buttons, unplugged, and various other things for a good half-hour or more. Finally she decided she had done enough and ordered a new box, which I have to pay shipping for (rolling my eyes and groaning now). Considering I'm leasing this box you'd think they'd be paying me for my inconvenience... all well.
All should be better soon. If I'm lucky the new DVR will be on the porch when I get home! I won't hold my breath though.
PS: We LOVE the Dish service and the DVR is wonderful... when it's not making clicking sounds of death.
Our DVR died on Sunday. It was a senseless death. A tireless worker and highly valued member of the family, the Dish Player-DVR 510 stored many of our favorite TV moments.
Out of the blue our little DVR, who can store up to 100 hours of Dish Network Satellite TV, began making a horrible clicking noise. The TV still came on at that point, but when we checked on the recordings... to our horror everything was gone! That means the new season of Rescue Me and Over There were lost, as well as the AFI Tribute to George Lucas. Also my toons have vanished including Robot Chicken, FLCL, the Venture Bros, the complete 3 seasons of Star Wars: Clone Wars, and even Samurai Champloo.
This is devastating.
So, the next day I call Dish to explain the problem. By this point the DVR has gotten itself into an endless loop of attempting to connect to the satellite signal and then rebooting. Being that this was after normal working hours, the nice lady working the phone had to go through every possible thing even though it was quite obvious that the box was dead. I clicked buttons, unplugged, and various other things for a good half-hour or more. Finally she decided she had done enough and ordered a new box, which I have to pay shipping for (rolling my eyes and groaning now). Considering I'm leasing this box you'd think they'd be paying me for my inconvenience... all well.
All should be better soon. If I'm lucky the new DVR will be on the porch when I get home! I won't hold my breath though.
PS: We LOVE the Dish service and the DVR is wonderful... when it's not making clicking sounds of death.
Monday, August 15, 2005
Adam on a Podcast!
For those of you not in on the world of podcasting, it's time to wake up! Little ol' Adam got his goofy voice on a podcast! One of the podcasts I frequent regularly, HawaiiUP, asked for listeners to call in and give a quick quote of what we like best about Hawaii. There was a drawing for prizes, including chocolate covered MACADAMIA nuts, but I didn't win... drat.
Anyway, many of the recordings from the fans were played on the latest episode. I'm proud to say that I'm the first one played. Granted I sound like a complete twit, but what more can I ask for. Just let me savor my 5 seconds of fame, thank you.
Oh, and if you use itunes to get your music you've already got everything you need to hear podcasts. Owning an ipod is helpful, but not necessary. Get listening mi amigos!
Anyway, many of the recordings from the fans were played on the latest episode. I'm proud to say that I'm the first one played. Granted I sound like a complete twit, but what more can I ask for. Just let me savor my 5 seconds of fame, thank you.
Oh, and if you use itunes to get your music you've already got everything you need to hear podcasts. Owning an ipod is helpful, but not necessary. Get listening mi amigos!
Friday, August 12, 2005
Free Multiplayer online games
Wondered if anyone has played any of these or would like to?
From Digg: "Awesome site, everything from First person shooters to RPG's, to combat and space flight simulators. I have enjoyed playing these games a lot so far."
read more | digg story
From Digg: "Awesome site, everything from First person shooters to RPG's, to combat and space flight simulators. I have enjoyed playing these games a lot so far."
read more | digg story
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
In Loving Memory......
It's a very sad day at our house....

Katie Johnson, daughter of the founder of the fighting 501st, died yesterday (Tuesday) at 5:20pm. She was seven years old. I never met her personally but reading up on this little angel I felt like I had known her. For more information about Katie please go to: They have posted the memoral video played at Katie's funeral. It's by the guy who is working on the films "Heart of an Empire" The Story of the 501st. There is a great video memorial on this site by one of the members. WARNING: If you watch bring tissues!!
The force will be with you Katie always....
Katie Johnson 1998-2005
Katie Johnson, daughter of the founder of the fighting 501st, died yesterday (Tuesday) at 5:20pm. She was seven years old. I never met her personally but reading up on this little angel I felt like I had known her. For more information about Katie please go to: They have posted the memoral video played at Katie's funeral. It's by the guy who is working on the films "Heart of an Empire" The Story of the 501st. There is a great video memorial on this site by one of the members. WARNING: If you watch bring tissues!!
The force will be with you Katie always....
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Happy Birthday Satine!!!
Today is my first born furry childs birthday. She is four years old. I saw her when she was five days old and held her in the palm of my hand. When I went to pick a kitten out her brothers and sister were crawling around and playing all she did was sit there and stare at me giving me the look of "what are you going to do to entertain me?"

She has put up with me. Welcomed Connor and Adam into our family.
She takes care of Connor and (surpisingly) is a Daddy's cat.

She is the only cat I know who "fetches" like a dog. She will wake you up at 3AM to play with her "babies" (toys)
She is our alarm clock because if we are not up and around by 6AM she gets mad because we are messing with her schedule.

She has "Mommy/Kitty" time first thing in the morning when I am in the bathroom.
She has "Daddy/Kitty" time when Adam is tying his shoe laces.
There are somedays where I say to her "You know I could of gotten one of your siblings instead of you!" But I couldn't imagine my life without her.

Happy Birthday my Fuzzy Beast.

Momma loves you.
She has put up with me. Welcomed Connor and Adam into our family.
She takes care of Connor and (surpisingly) is a Daddy's cat.
She is the only cat I know who "fetches" like a dog. She will wake you up at 3AM to play with her "babies" (toys)
She is our alarm clock because if we are not up and around by 6AM she gets mad because we are messing with her schedule.
She has "Mommy/Kitty" time first thing in the morning when I am in the bathroom.
She has "Daddy/Kitty" time when Adam is tying his shoe laces.
There are somedays where I say to her "You know I could of gotten one of your siblings instead of you!" But I couldn't imagine my life without her.
Happy Birthday my Fuzzy Beast.
Momma loves you.
Friday, August 05, 2005
Hello, my name is Bridget and I'm a Star Wars Geek....
I do very well hiding my geekyness outside of my home. Inside the home is a totally different story.
I was surfing the web tonight going to my usual spots and went on the Rebel Legion "sister" group of the fighting 501st stormtrooper group (the ones who guarded the wedding). Then I read on their "forums" and see that Dallas is having their annual Comic Con the weekend of October 15th and I see that she is going to be here:

Carrie Fisher.
Daughter of Debbie Reynolds and Eddie Fisher. Actress, writer, and the most wanted script doctor in Hollywood and most importantly
PRINCESS LEIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So when I find this out I scream. My husband who is watching TV knows that I am not hurt says "What!". I scream again and then say "We have to go to the Dallas Comic Con this year in October!!" . He is now wondering what I'm dragging him to and trying to figure out a way to get out of it "Why?" He asks. "Because SHE is going to be here!!" I'm pointing at the picture of her.
Hello my name is Bridget and I am a Star Wars Geek.....
I am now looking to see how much the hotel that the Comic Con is going to be at is, seeing if I can maybe take the afternoon off so we could go early, trying to remember where I put the books that she wrote so she could sign them, and wondering if I could get a costume done by October 15.
Adam is now online looking for Carrie Fisher's e-mail address to warn her that his Star Wars crazed wife will be there and she is harmless.
"Only a man like George could bring us whole new worlds populated by vivid extraordinary characters. And providing Mark and Harrison and myself with enough fan mail, and even a small merry band of stalkers. Keeping us entertained for the rest of our unnatural lives." Carrie Fisher at AFI
I do very well hiding my geekyness outside of my home. Inside the home is a totally different story.
I was surfing the web tonight going to my usual spots and went on the Rebel Legion "sister" group of the fighting 501st stormtrooper group (the ones who guarded the wedding). Then I read on their "forums" and see that Dallas is having their annual Comic Con the weekend of October 15th and I see that she is going to be here:
Carrie Fisher.
Daughter of Debbie Reynolds and Eddie Fisher. Actress, writer, and the most wanted script doctor in Hollywood and most importantly
PRINCESS LEIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So when I find this out I scream. My husband who is watching TV knows that I am not hurt says "What!". I scream again and then say "We have to go to the Dallas Comic Con this year in October!!" . He is now wondering what I'm dragging him to and trying to figure out a way to get out of it "Why?" He asks. "Because SHE is going to be here!!" I'm pointing at the picture of her.
Hello my name is Bridget and I am a Star Wars Geek.....
I am now looking to see how much the hotel that the Comic Con is going to be at is, seeing if I can maybe take the afternoon off so we could go early, trying to remember where I put the books that she wrote so she could sign them, and wondering if I could get a costume done by October 15.
Adam is now online looking for Carrie Fisher's e-mail address to warn her that his Star Wars crazed wife will be there and she is harmless.
"Only a man like George could bring us whole new worlds populated by vivid extraordinary characters. And providing Mark and Harrison and myself with enough fan mail, and even a small merry band of stalkers. Keeping us entertained for the rest of our unnatural lives." Carrie Fisher at AFI
That's No Space Station
Cassini got its closest view of Saturn's moon Mimas on Tuesday, the one that looks like the Death Star.
--Why do I have this feeling that one day a collective of future Star Wars fans will build a replica of the Death Star here... complete with a trench for X-Wings to fly down. Maybe Disney will do it as an upgrade to Star Tours!
read more | digg story
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
My Boys
This is my favorate picture of Adam and Connor. If you look really
close you can see Connor smile.
Over the past few days Connor and Adam have been having a love hate relationship. Connor adores Adam. Adam does love Connor but also loves to hate him. I know when he is mad at him because he threatens to shave the cat.
Then I found this picture of this poor cat getting back from the vet after getting a "line" cut. Problem was the owner of this poor thing has a very heavy southern accent so...well just look at the pictures.
Adam saw this, laughed, and said "Lets do that to Connor!!"
Yeah we thought he was bad before when he got mad at us...I really don't want to see what he would do if he did that to him.
I do know that Satine would laugh.
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Thought I'd inform all you readers about a very interesting social bookmarking/news site called All the stories are posted solely by the site's users and those same users decide which links deserve to be promoted to the front page. It's pretty simple really... go to the site, find the 'digg for stories' link, browse through all the new stuff, and if you find something you like then mark (or 'digg') it. Items 'dugg' the most float up to the front page.
Best of all the system keeps track of the stories you digg, which you can then share.
Best of all the system keeps track of the stories you digg, which you can then share.
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
The things people put on Ebay
Okay this goes in the "EW" catagory for the night....
This was on EBAY
200. Darth Vader prosthetic head scars from Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. (TCF, 1983) These hand-painted foam latex prosthetic scars were created by Stuart Freeborn and used by actor Sebastian Shaw as the unmasked Darth Vader during the final scenes of the film, when Vader finally renounces his allegiance to the Dark Side. In 1998 the Kurtz / Joiner Archive bought a large number of pieces from creature creator and special effects wizard Stuart Freeborn, who was responsible for creating such memorable characters as Chewbacca and Yoda, and these were part of this collection. The prosthetics are mounted to an 8 in. x 10 in. image of Shaw wearing the appliances, in character as the de-masked Darth Vader. Comes directly from the Kurtz / Joiner Archive, and accompanied with a letter of authenticity from the Archive signed by Jason Joiner. $3,000 - $5,000

Okay is it me or does this look like bacon????
This was on EBAY
200. Darth Vader prosthetic head scars from Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. (TCF, 1983) These hand-painted foam latex prosthetic scars were created by Stuart Freeborn and used by actor Sebastian Shaw as the unmasked Darth Vader during the final scenes of the film, when Vader finally renounces his allegiance to the Dark Side. In 1998 the Kurtz / Joiner Archive bought a large number of pieces from creature creator and special effects wizard Stuart Freeborn, who was responsible for creating such memorable characters as Chewbacca and Yoda, and these were part of this collection. The prosthetics are mounted to an 8 in. x 10 in. image of Shaw wearing the appliances, in character as the de-masked Darth Vader. Comes directly from the Kurtz / Joiner Archive, and accompanied with a letter of authenticity from the Archive signed by Jason Joiner. $3,000 - $5,000
Okay is it me or does this look like bacon????
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Update on Katie
Monday, July 11, 2005
Friday, July 08, 2005
A New Addition to the Eakins Family
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
When I first saw the ad for "Dancing with the Stars" I said "EH?" The "series" was 6 weeks long. I missed the first episode and was able to watch the rest of the series. The one couple who really made me watch was John and Charlotte. They were "the one's to beat" Well tonight they did great...until
Some soap opera tart decided to shake her tush and she got 10's!!! HELLO? What the heck is going on here? Even Adam was saying "EH?"
Can we say FIX???
For the first time in the shows history (okay it's been 6 weeks) one couple gets all 10's. Why now? No one even started to get 9's until about a week or so ago. John and Charlotte had more talent than these two ever had. Also why say "who says Americia doesn't like an UNDERDOG" Hello?
Fix fix fix
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Try the Falling Ragdoll!
Countless hours of fun!
Oh, and for comic fun with a video game twist, try VG Cats.
Try the Falling Ragdoll!
Countless hours of fun!
Oh, and for comic fun with a video game twist, try VG Cats.
Sunday, July 03, 2005
It was 20 years ago today....
We offically moved into our first house in Texas. I'm the only one who has lived here the longest in my family.
Hard to believe.
Guess I'm an offical Texan now. :)
Hard to believe.
Guess I'm an offical Texan now. :)
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Prayers Please
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Update on the Broken Cat
The vet called on Friday wanting to know how Connor was. I called them Saturday and told them that he was still sick. They gave us antibiotics that Adam now gives to him twice a day for the next week. And yes they both LOVE to have this done...
B, Adam and the puds
B, Adam and the puds
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Batman Begins
Saw Batman Begins today. Very good movie. Better than the first 4 Batman's in my opinion.
Monday, June 13, 2005
She Broke my Cat!!!
Thursday, June 02, 2005
Friday, May 27, 2005
Sunday, May 22, 2005
Star Wars review
Okay here it goes. I was going to post one on Thursday night but after 3 hours sleep, going to work, trying to get housework done here before family gets here, and watching DVR episodes of "Lost" and half of "Alias" I was just too tired.
There are spoilers in this review! If you don't want to know before you see it don't read!
I loved it. It is a very close second to Empire Strikes Back. It answers all the questions on how come Anakin went to the darkside. We went to see it a second time tonight and it was even better. Everyone said (including me) that Anakin went to the dark side too soon. What we have to remember is that the Palpitine had his evil mojo on him from the beginning.
Uncle George cannot write a love scene to save his life.
Anakin and Palpitine steal the show.
Natalie Portman was basically useless in this movie. She is either saying crappy lines or she is crying.
McGreggor will forever be Obi-Wan. He was great.
R2 and 3P0 were in it a little but not much.
Jar Jar in 3 scenes and does not say a word!!!
Answers a lot of questions and fills in stuff for the original trilogy.
There was one more complaint that I have. Vader finds out that Padme has died. The emperor blames it on him. He says "NO" as everything in the room is breaking and he is trying to get unrestrained. This is the most pathetic "NO" I have ever heard. Come on you are DARTH VADER! Put more feeling into it! My cat Connor can do a better "NO" than that!
Overall Adam and I loved it. And we'll probably see it a couple more times before it comes to DVD in the fall.
There are spoilers in this review! If you don't want to know before you see it don't read!
I loved it. It is a very close second to Empire Strikes Back. It answers all the questions on how come Anakin went to the darkside. We went to see it a second time tonight and it was even better. Everyone said (including me) that Anakin went to the dark side too soon. What we have to remember is that the Palpitine had his evil mojo on him from the beginning.
Uncle George cannot write a love scene to save his life.
Anakin and Palpitine steal the show.
Natalie Portman was basically useless in this movie. She is either saying crappy lines or she is crying.
McGreggor will forever be Obi-Wan. He was great.
R2 and 3P0 were in it a little but not much.
Jar Jar in 3 scenes and does not say a word!!!
Answers a lot of questions and fills in stuff for the original trilogy.
There was one more complaint that I have. Vader finds out that Padme has died. The emperor blames it on him. He says "NO" as everything in the room is breaking and he is trying to get unrestrained. This is the most pathetic "NO" I have ever heard. Come on you are DARTH VADER! Put more feeling into it! My cat Connor can do a better "NO" than that!
Overall Adam and I loved it. And we'll probably see it a couple more times before it comes to DVD in the fall.
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
5 hours and 20 minutes....
We are going to the theater soon. First I wanted to be there at 6 but as we got home ate dinner and I finally got to check my e-mail I realized that we don't have to be there that soon....Also I'm getting too old for this.
I will have my review either when we get home (and I'm too excited to sleep) or when I get home from work before I fall asleep. Yes I AM going to work. I really don't think LaTessa would let me have a day off for Star Wars especially when I am taking 2 weeks off starting at 4:31 on Friday.
28 years ago we saw Star Wars at a drive-in and it opened, influenced and brought in a whole new world to our family...and at 12:01am the circle will be complete.
(Getting too sappy I know)
For a really great blog go to Darth Vader's blog
Separate reviews soon from Adam and I
the Star Wars Geeks and the puds
I will have my review either when we get home (and I'm too excited to sleep) or when I get home from work before I fall asleep. Yes I AM going to work. I really don't think LaTessa would let me have a day off for Star Wars especially when I am taking 2 weeks off starting at 4:31 on Friday.
28 years ago we saw Star Wars at a drive-in and it opened, influenced and brought in a whole new world to our family...and at 12:01am the circle will be complete.
(Getting too sappy I know)
For a really great blog go to Darth Vader's blog
Separate reviews soon from Adam and I
the Star Wars Geeks and the puds
Monday, May 16, 2005
This is a really cool group that did a song about Star Wars (and it's free!!) to the music of John Williams.
2 more days!!!!
2 more days!!!!
Friday, May 13, 2005
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
One Week!
At about this time one week from now I will be waiting in line for Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. I will be spending my time writing out thank you cards. I will (once again) be going to the midnight showing and doing my review of the movie later that day. I will be going to work on the 19th and plan on collasping when I get home. Adam will be taking the day off and either going to Denton to get the Jedi costume or taking me out to lunch.
7 days until Star Wars
9 more days until I go on vacation for TWO WEEKS
14 days until family and friends start coming in
16 more days until we get married
7 days until Star Wars
9 more days until I go on vacation for TWO WEEKS
14 days until family and friends start coming in
16 more days until we get married
Friday, April 29, 2005
As you can see by the photos below we got a Dyson vacuum cleaner tonight. This thing has POWER!!! "The floor is CLEAN! IT IS CLEAN!!!!" --Adam. This thing really (excuse the pun) sucks. We have enough cat hair to have another long haired cat! If you have the money and need a vacuum GET THIS ONE!!!
Oh and one more thing....
B, Adam and the puds
Oh and one more thing....
B, Adam and the puds
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