Hello, my name is Bridget and I'm a Star Wars Geek....
I do very well hiding my geekyness outside of my home. Inside the home is a totally different story.
I was surfing the web tonight going to my usual spots and went on the
Rebel Legion "sister" group of the fighting 501st stormtrooper group (the ones who guarded the wedding). Then I read on their "forums" and see that Dallas is having their annual Comic Con the weekend of October 15th and I see that she is going to be here:

Carrie Fisher.
Daughter of Debbie Reynolds and Eddie Fisher. Actress, writer, and the most wanted script doctor in Hollywood and most importantly
PRINCESS LEIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So when I find this out I scream. My husband who is watching TV knows that I am not hurt says "What!". I scream again and then say "We have to go to the Dallas Comic Con this year in October!!" . He is now wondering what I'm dragging him to and trying to figure out a way to get out of it "Why?" He asks. "Because SHE is going to be here!!" I'm pointing at the picture of her.
Hello my name is Bridget and I am a Star Wars Geek.....
I am now looking to see how much the hotel that the Comic Con is going to be at is, seeing if I can maybe take the afternoon off so we could go early, trying to remember where I put the books that she wrote so she could sign them, and wondering if I could get a costume done by October 15.
Adam is now online looking for Carrie Fisher's e-mail address to warn her that his Star Wars crazed wife will be there and she is harmless.
"Only a man like George could bring us whole new worlds populated by vivid extraordinary characters. And providing Mark and Harrison and myself with enough fan mail, and even a small merry band of stalkers. Keeping us entertained for the rest of our unnatural lives." Carrie Fisher at AFI