Just found out what Verizon is up to in my neighborhood. Actually, they knocked out my phone service over the weekend but since I wasn't home it didn't matter much. I knew they are running Fiber Optics into the neighborhoods, but I didn't know what the service is actually going to be like. Thanks to Slashdot I now know:
Verizon Taking FTTP Installation Orders
The fiber optics are going to come all the was to the house, I think. We're talking speeds of up to 30Mbps down and 5Mbps up (also 15/2 and 5/2). The pricing is better than I'm paying for Comcast (3Mbps/256K). I've been mad at Verizon in the past, but if they do this all is forgiven!
Also on the techie front, I bought a new toy yesterday! It is a DVD player by Philips that not only plays DVDs, but also MP3 CDs, JPEG Slideshows, AND (the cool part) Divx/MPEG4,2,1 video files burned to either DVD-R or CDR! Its what I've been waiting for! All that money I've burned on PlayStation 2 Media Players, a TV with a fancy port I didn't need, all solved by a $70 DVD player. I just hope it keeps working because I'm in hog heaven right now!
Check it out:
Philips DVP642/17 DVD Player
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Thursday, October 14, 2004
Carroll High School on ESPN2
No this is not a misprint. Carroll High School (#1 in the State and in the NATION for 5A schools) is now playing against Denton Ryan on ESPN2!! They are now losing 13-10 and I am hoping that this will change. One thing that would make my Mom happy is that they mentioned (and showed) THE BAND! The ESPN2 guy was surpised about how many members were in the band (around 345 people now) saying that his graduating class was 275. But they are also amazed that 11,000 people are at this sold out game.
Getting season tickets next year....
Bought The Sims 2 about 2 weeks ago...
Getting season tickets next year....
Bought The Sims 2 about 2 weeks ago...
Friday, September 24, 2004
Star Wars BF
I bought Star Wars Battlefront the other day (picked up the SW DVDs too, of course). Its pretty nifty! Its a lot like playing team fortress in that it is two teams trying to capture the other team's base.
It really doesn't matter if you're clones, stormtroopers, rebels, or droids. Each team has pretty much the same classes of troops plus a semi unique class at the end. I've found that I like to use the sniper (no surprise there), but the normal trooper is not too bad either as long as you can get in close quarters.
Played some online play last night (which is free like in battlenet). Had a horrible time at first due to lag. I was dying before I could do anything. After tweaking the router settings and trying it again, I had much better success.
The battles tend to slide in favor of one team within the first minutes of game play, although some levels are better than others. Tatooine was the worst. I was on the clone trooper team against the droids fighting in Mos Eisley. It was a battle between buildings and in alleyways. What sucked was the droids had a tank and us troopers were slaughtered in explosive death.
Lots of first person shooter fun!
It really doesn't matter if you're clones, stormtroopers, rebels, or droids. Each team has pretty much the same classes of troops plus a semi unique class at the end. I've found that I like to use the sniper (no surprise there), but the normal trooper is not too bad either as long as you can get in close quarters.
Played some online play last night (which is free like in battlenet). Had a horrible time at first due to lag. I was dying before I could do anything. After tweaking the router settings and trying it again, I had much better success.
The battles tend to slide in favor of one team within the first minutes of game play, although some levels are better than others. Tatooine was the worst. I was on the clone trooper team against the droids fighting in Mos Eisley. It was a battle between buildings and in alleyways. What sucked was the droids had a tank and us troopers were slaughtered in explosive death.
Lots of first person shooter fun!
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Jury Duty and Star Wars DVD's
Adam had jury duty on Monday and was picked to be on a jury. Tuesday they settled on the case. He took his $12.00, got on the train and is thankful that he doesn't have to do this service again for another two years.
In celebration of this we went to Fratilli's in Irving for dinner. After that we went to Fry's to get the Star Wars Trilogy on DVD for $36.99 (cheapest that I have found it).
Went home to watch the DVD's. Watched all the special stuff on disc 4 which was pretty good. Then we scanned the movies to see what Uncle George has done with them again. More tweaks and changes because he is not happy with the films...his baby he can do what ever he wants.
But to our amazement he did something that our jaws dropped and we said "HUH??? What did he say!!!!"
The Empire Strikes Back. One of the best in all of them. We get to the part where the emperor needs to talk to Vader and they move out of the asteroid field to get a clear signal. This is the first time we actually see the Emperor (back in 1980). Well Uncle George decides that he wants the person who plays the Emporer now (Ian Dirmid) to do the part so he puts him in. This was fine with us....UNTIL HE SPOKE. They changed the lines. Before this change it gives us the indication that Vader already knows who Luke is. Now the Emporer (who looks like a muppet in Adam's opinion) says the following:
"There is a great disturbance in the force"
"I have felt it" Vader
"We have a new enemy. The young rebel who destroyed the Death Star. I have no doubt this boy is the offspring of Anakin Skywalker" Emperor
"How is that possible" Vader
"Search your feelings Lord Vader you will know it to be true. He could destroy us" Emperor
Then it has the regular dialog.
We hate this change....A LOT. Lucas wants everyone to watch the movies in 1-6 order not 3-4-5, 1-2-3. So this takes all the surprise that we all had in 1980 of the famous words "I AM YOUR FATHER!"
Except for that change we do like the DVDs.
I will now get off my soapbox....for now.
B and the fuzzballs
In celebration of this we went to Fratilli's in Irving for dinner. After that we went to Fry's to get the Star Wars Trilogy on DVD for $36.99 (cheapest that I have found it).
Went home to watch the DVD's. Watched all the special stuff on disc 4 which was pretty good. Then we scanned the movies to see what Uncle George has done with them again. More tweaks and changes because he is not happy with the films...his baby he can do what ever he wants.
But to our amazement he did something that our jaws dropped and we said "HUH??? What did he say!!!!"
The Empire Strikes Back. One of the best in all of them. We get to the part where the emperor needs to talk to Vader and they move out of the asteroid field to get a clear signal. This is the first time we actually see the Emperor (back in 1980). Well Uncle George decides that he wants the person who plays the Emporer now (Ian Dirmid) to do the part so he puts him in. This was fine with us....UNTIL HE SPOKE. They changed the lines. Before this change it gives us the indication that Vader already knows who Luke is. Now the Emporer (who looks like a muppet in Adam's opinion) says the following:
"There is a great disturbance in the force"
"I have felt it" Vader
"We have a new enemy. The young rebel who destroyed the Death Star. I have no doubt this boy is the offspring of Anakin Skywalker" Emperor
"How is that possible" Vader
"Search your feelings Lord Vader you will know it to be true. He could destroy us" Emperor
Then it has the regular dialog.
We hate this change....A LOT. Lucas wants everyone to watch the movies in 1-6 order not 3-4-5, 1-2-3. So this takes all the surprise that we all had in 1980 of the famous words "I AM YOUR FATHER!"
Except for that change we do like the DVDs.
I will now get off my soapbox....for now.
B and the fuzzballs
Thursday, September 09, 2004
Okay folks, I added something to the side bar on this site that might be of interest. There are now links to Ofoto photo albums that Bridget and I have put together. Take note the album for the cats will continue to grow, since they're just so much fun to photograph!
Also there are links to our respective wish lists on Amazon.com. For all of you that are wondering what to buy us for Christmas or birthdays, this is for you. We'll try and keep them up to date as best we can!
That's enough for now!
Also there are links to our respective wish lists on Amazon.com. For all of you that are wondering what to buy us for Christmas or birthdays, this is for you. We'll try and keep them up to date as best we can!
That's enough for now!
Friday, September 03, 2004
Okay to make him happy I will finally post....
Not much going on. Three day weekend (thank goodness). Regal Opera's 10th anniversary gala is going to be on Friday Sept. 10th and Saturday September 11th over at Tarrant County College (or Tarrant County Jr College when I went there) Northeast Campus in Hurst. Tickets are $10.00 if you order them a head of time and 15.00 if you get them at the night of the performance. For more info go to www.regalopera.org
The furrballs are enjoying the house. Satine is in heaven when she is in the sunroom (my future voice studio when ever I go back to school and teach). Watching her birds and sleeping on the blue chair are her favorite past times. Connor just wants to be loved. "Jabba the furr" as he is being called now by Adam has been with me almost 2 years.
Not much else going on.
Ta ta for now!
Not much going on. Three day weekend (thank goodness). Regal Opera's 10th anniversary gala is going to be on Friday Sept. 10th and Saturday September 11th over at Tarrant County College (or Tarrant County Jr College when I went there) Northeast Campus in Hurst. Tickets are $10.00 if you order them a head of time and 15.00 if you get them at the night of the performance. For more info go to www.regalopera.org
The furrballs are enjoying the house. Satine is in heaven when she is in the sunroom (my future voice studio when ever I go back to school and teach). Watching her birds and sleeping on the blue chair are her favorite past times. Connor just wants to be loved. "Jabba the furr" as he is being called now by Adam has been with me almost 2 years.
Not much else going on.
Ta ta for now!
Thursday, September 02, 2004
The day after 5 years...
I've been working at Cingular Wireless for 5 years and a day now. Actually when I started it was still SBC Mobile Systems or some such. I got a piece of paper with what is probably a copy of the CEO's signature, and a couple do-dads that I picked out from a list of thingamajigs.

The trinkets I got are nice, but the box they came in is even better. If they had just the box on the list, I probably would have picked it. Granted I really like little wooden boxes.

Now my dearest love saw fit to try and embarass me with an act of cookie giving. To bad for her, it didn't arrive until I was about to walk out the door. It is a cookie bouquet and I promised someone at work that I would post pictures.

The trinkets I got are nice, but the box they came in is even better. If they had just the box on the list, I probably would have picked it. Granted I really like little wooden boxes.
Now my dearest love saw fit to try and embarass me with an act of cookie giving. To bad for her, it didn't arrive until I was about to walk out the door. It is a cookie bouquet and I promised someone at work that I would post pictures.
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
The Email Test
Another post to test a few things, but this time let's add something legitimate.
This summer has been a busy time. If we role back the clock to around April time, there were slightly life altering events including our engagement, the finding of a house, which was followed by the purchase of the house. I always told myself that there wasn't a reason to buy a house until there was someone to put in it. I got the girl and the house came quickly after.
May was spent moving into the house and out of that nice expensive apartment of mine. I have to thank my Dad and my sister's fiance for getting my furniture over. We managed to get almost all of it in a day. It took me until near the end of June to get the rest, which meant I was still scrambling just a bit when the last weekend arrived.
I should stop and mention that back in May my beautiful wife to be was in an Opera. It was the second time I got to see her on stage and I hope it won't be the last (she'll be on stage again a week from Friday actually). Now I should also mention that she attempted to get me involved and on stage. This did not work out well at all and I still twitch when I think about the experience, so let's move on!
Mid July we went to Chicago! I had not been on a plane in a few years shy of a decade, so it was an experience just in the transportation aspect. We stayed with some friends of hers and then drove out for a day with her Grandparents in Cold Valley, Ill. I even got a t-shirt!
There's more, but I'll elaborate later. I've got enough for my test post (and then some)!
This summer has been a busy time. If we role back the clock to around April time, there were slightly life altering events including our engagement, the finding of a house, which was followed by the purchase of the house. I always told myself that there wasn't a reason to buy a house until there was someone to put in it. I got the girl and the house came quickly after.
May was spent moving into the house and out of that nice expensive apartment of mine. I have to thank my Dad and my sister's fiance for getting my furniture over. We managed to get almost all of it in a day. It took me until near the end of June to get the rest, which meant I was still scrambling just a bit when the last weekend arrived.
I should stop and mention that back in May my beautiful wife to be was in an Opera. It was the second time I got to see her on stage and I hope it won't be the last (she'll be on stage again a week from Friday actually). Now I should also mention that she attempted to get me involved and on stage. This did not work out well at all and I still twitch when I think about the experience, so let's move on!
Mid July we went to Chicago! I had not been on a plane in a few years shy of a decade, so it was an experience just in the transportation aspect. We stayed with some friends of hers and then drove out for a day with her Grandparents in Cold Valley, Ill. I even got a t-shirt!
There's more, but I'll elaborate later. I've got enough for my test post (and then some)!
Thursday, August 26, 2004
Monday, August 23, 2004
A whole new blog for a whole new life!
Welcome to greatwhitepaw.com!
There's not much here yet, but once we get it going this will be Adam and Bridget central. A place to find out what is going on with us, links to important things like our Amazon wishlists, or just see the latest kitty pictures.
Us and the puds wish you well!
Here's one of the puds (Satine):
There's not much here yet, but once we get it going this will be Adam and Bridget central. A place to find out what is going on with us, links to important things like our Amazon wishlists, or just see the latest kitty pictures.
Us and the puds wish you well!
Here's one of the puds (Satine):
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